
Tanya for Ladies En Espanol

1:00 PM

Enjoy a delicious Lunch along with a friendly discussion group based on the teachings of the Alter Rebbe. Dina Dornbusch delves into the deep insights found in the Tanya and helps apply it to practical healthy living.

[email protected] for location

Chassidut for Men

8:30 PM

images.jpgChassidut learning group with Rabbi Laivi Forta.

Current topic: Kuntres Uma'ayan: Chassidic Discourse from the Rebbe Rashab.

At Aventura Chabad


Parsha Perspectives

8:30 PM

Based on the prolific teachings and writings of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Torah’s timeless messages come to life in a topical and relevant manner. Each week brings a new lesson with a pertinent and timely message taken from the weekly Torah reading. At once mystical and pragmatic, these sessions elevate and refine your worldview.

At different homes. [email protected] for location


Torah & Tea

9:30 AM

Torah & Tea.jpgFinding meaning & Inspiration in everyday life and our beautiful role as Jewish women!

L’Iluy Nishmat Rasha bas Chaim Meir HaLevi Z”L

With Chani Forta. At the Forta home

Torah Studies

8:00 PM

125x125_TS_S1.JPGWe invite you to browse through the topics in this catalog and to join us for some weekly inspirational study. These classes are open to all, whatever your level of learning may be, and I encourage you to bring your friends along.

With R. Laivi Forta. At Aven tura Chabad

Ladies Kollel

8:30 PM

Torah & Tea.jpgFOR WOMEN ONLY!

A unique in-depth Torah learning experience. Amazing line up and various topics for all levels: Chumash, Tanya, Navi, Halacha, Tefillah & more ...

Chani Forta. At Aventura Chabad


Lunch & Learn for Ladies

12:30 PM

LUNCH & LEARN.pngAre you busy working in or around the Aventura area? Could you use a little time off each week for some food for the soul and for the body. Join us, together with a group of women right in your neighborhood, as we draw from the wisdom of our Prophets deriving pertinent lessons for life's daily challenges. The Chabad of Aventura’s Lunch 'n Learn will really give you something to chew on, providing you with meaningful insights to share with your family and friends at the Shabbat table.

At Aventura Chabad

Torah Teachings for Young Ladies En Espanol

7:30 PM

This class is given by Dina Dornbusch to young ladies in their 20’s and 30’s to share thoughts from the Parsha on dealing with Practical Life.

[email protected] for location

Kollel for Men

8:00 PM

Kollel_Icon.jpgEnjoy a lively Yeshiva-like atmosphere with courses on Talmud, Mishna, Jewish ethics and Chassidic Insights. There’s always refreshments and simultaneous classes given by different Rabbi’s and instructors.

At Aventura Chabad


Shabbat Ladies Class

Time: Shabbat Afternoon, approx 1 hour before Shabbat ends.
Ladies Class-Logo.jpg

Join the Women of our community for a weekly inspiring class on the Parsha of the week with the Rebbetzin at different homes.

[email protected] for location

Sefardic Men's Class En Espanol

Time: Despues de Minja
Topic: Parashat Hashavua
La Parasha de la Semana

Con Elias Hadida. At Aventura Chabad

Chabad Men's Class

Time: Shabbat Afternoon, approx 1 hour before Shabbat ends.

Join the Men of our community for a weekly inspiring class on the Parsha of the week with the Rabbis in between Mincha and Maariv.

At Aventura Chabad

Bridal Preparation for Mikvah


Private Classes with Rebbetzin Zipora Brusowankin.

Enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience by learning about the Laws of Mikvah and the beauty of the Mitzvah of Family Purity with the Rebbetzin. The class is given in a down to earth, friendly approach while ensuring that the fundamentals of the Jewish home are learned. A must do for every Kallah!

Available by appointment. Call: (786) 277-0336